
Nitrox 2021-02-22T21:59:15+00:00

Speciality Course “Enriched Air Diver”

What is NITROX ?

Enriched Air (sometimes called “NITROX”) means, that the air contains more than 21 % Oxygen.
In sport/ recreational diving we use enriched air with a maximum of 40 % oxygen.


Divers use enriched air to increase the decompression limits compared to the decompression limits of compressed air.

When you dive with enriched air a part of the nitrogen, which you would breathe in under water, is replaced by oxygen, so that you absorb less nitrogen than you would have done on the same dive using compressed air.

Training Standards and Overview

This Course was designed to give scuba divers the possibility to qualify for “no decompression dives” using “enriched air” (NITROX). After the completion of the course you will be able to plan dives and conduct dives safely using Enriched Air (NITROX) mixtures form 22 % to 40 %, especially for Enriched Air with 32 % and 36 % Oxygen.

The course comprises theory and certification.

Duration: max. 2 days
Price: starts from 99,00 Euro

Our recommendation for you:
Our recommendation for you: If you are thinking of taking part on an “enriched air diver” training program you should first deal with the subject NITROX at home. If its possible you should read a relevant text. That will save you a lot of time and does not place you under stress to absorb too much new information during your holiday.

Qualification / Requirements

To take part on special “Enriched Air Diver” course you fulfill the following requirements:

  • You must be an Open Water Diver or have an equivalent Brevet
  • You must be at least 15 years old